Jay Shree Swaminarayan
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In the following probe rendering of a poem we note down how naughty Kanaiya affectionately tells a lie. He tells to mother Yashoda, “I have taken a vow not to eat butter. That's why I don't touch it though there are pots full of it in our house. In saying this he indirectly suggest he eats on the butter of others not his own. Krishna says, “Gopis are foolish. That's why they tell me MAKHHANCHOR. What they say that I steal butter from their houses and feed it to monkeys is not true. I have seen with my own eyes that monkeys themselves eat butter. (How cleverly he tells it !) On seeing this, to warn Gopis I dance. Monkeys eat away the butter and that's why Krishna is very happy and so he dances, but not to warn Gopis.
Gopis consider me guilty. They are fools. They forget my good act. They bring me to Yashoda. Krishna says “I have butter enough for the whole life. Whereas Gopis have butter in a very small quantity, preserved and hung above in a very tiny pot. (This means Krishna very well knows the size of Gopis pot and the place where it is hung.) Why should I go to taste such a meagre butter leaving our great quantity? Hence, Gopis tell a lie. Their complaint is baseless and wrong. But the last he says, “How short intelligent these Gopis are!”
Like mother, likes son. She affectionately takes Kanaiya in her arms and says, “True, true, you are right and Radha is wrong. You don't like butter of our house at all” ( Means, you like the butter available from outside - Gopis butter)